This project is a collaboration between me and one of my best friends, miss Daniela Valdez, aka Senhorita Valdez. I came up with the concept and title for this image and invited her to create a fiction writing to go along with it. She is a Brand Strategist and Copywriter, her writing skills are amazing and therefore we decided to combine forces. She wrights, I illustrate. I really enjoyed working with her and we will keep projects like this coming. I hope you like it!
Illistration: Francisco Martins • Text: Daniela Valdez • Model: Liam Shepard
Amigos blogueiros e seguidores, espero que estejam a ter um verão (e umas férias se for o caso) agradáveis :)
Este projecto é o resultado de uma colaboração entre mim e uma das minhas melhores amigas: Daniela Valdez, também conhecida por Senhorita Valdez. Quando me surgiu a ideia que deu origem ao conceito desta ilustração, e pensei no título, decidi convidar a Daniela para escrever um texto ficcional que acompanhasse a imagem. Ela é Brand Stategist, bem como Copywriter e o seu talento para a escrita é fabuloso, assim os seus dons criativos e como tal, decidimos unir forças. Ela escreve, eu ilustro. Foi um prazer trabalhar com ela, iremos garantidamente repetir a experiência. Espero que gostem!
Ilustração: Francisco Martins • Texto: Daniela Valdez • Modelo: Liam Shepard
24 comentários:
Maravillosa, muy conmovedora :)
:) Gracias Nellita! un Beso!
brilliant Francisco! I love the worlds that you create my friend. The tones the stories, the compositions. great collaboration. Tell us more stories. Would love to see more and more. congratulation on the new venture with your friend. spin the wheel, let your magic wand create. :)
Thanks fur such wonderful words my friend!
nice work man.....nd great creation ...
Hey Shamil, thanks buddy! hope you are well! Cheers
WOW, that is simply amazing. I love the mood; it is very calm and serene. Another really good job done! :)
Thanks man! I'm glad you liked it :)
Hey Francisco.
Your work is very good and the subject matter is very interesting. The detail is unbelievable and the depth of color outstanding. I took some time to look back at older posts. (Isn't it awful how busy we all are and have little time to really relax and read all the blogs we would like to?)
I am going to try to visit more often. You are doing amazing things and I congratulate you on all of your accomplishments and awards.
I, too, hope the little creature doesn't die. (:
♥ audrey
fantastic and beautiful Francisco, sounds like a great team.
Hugs from the USA!
Audrey: Thank you so much for visiting me and for such lovely comment! you are very kind!
Amy: Thanks, Amy, I'm happy you liked it. Sending hugs back at you from Lisbon!
Phenomenal work, my friend...I am just speechless. This is a gorgeous piece - what a fine collaboration - I hope you two get to do many more. And goodness, your work in the magazines is simply stunning. Francisco, you are amazing! Hope you've been well..it's so wonderful to see your lovely visit and it means a lot!
Thank you so much Shirley! I'm glad that you liked it... your opinion means a lot to me, you are an amazing artist yourself, I just love your work! Thanks for repaying the visit and for your kind words! all the best!
Ahhh, you never cease to amaze! This is a wonderfully, beautiful scene. Thanks for stopping by. I've just been crazy busy and haven't had much time to blog. Hopefully, soon!
Hey Donny! Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it :)
OMG! Please no, don't die. He is so handsome. Ooops, I thought it was the young man. Okay. Oh well the fox is nice too, so don't die. Francisco, where do you get these models who portray the emotions you convey so perfectly? Your hand, heart and mind are a powerful combination - magic!
Muahahaahah!!! Thanks Ces! your comments always make laugh my head off! :D
Truly amazing my friend! I still can't see where is the line that divides the illustration and the photo manipulation, but I do see your talent! Hugs from here!
Hi Bog, thanks !
Well... is simple... I photographed Liam in a Studio, so there where no natural elements in the background. He was wearing no cloth what so ever, and he wasn't wearing the amulet either. I changed his hairstyle digitally and added the tears on his face. Then I created the background in Photoshop, with natural elements that I have been photographing for years (I have like... my own stock photography in this subject). Some elements where not photographed by me - only a few - such as the fox - I bough them a few years ago in a stock photo website.
i wont bleed unless you bleed, i wont be unless you be, i wont breathe unless you breathe, i wont die unless you die.
this is such an amazing story, congratulations on your collaboration!
so sorry i havent blogging much, busy with work + my life is such a mess, blablabla...
have a nice Sunday.
Sunday bloody Sunday!
Hahaha! Sunda bloody Sunday... I like that one! :D
How are you Mita??
Thankssss! ;)
Hugs! ***
hay man!!! long time. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new stuff... your outstanding bro... cheers
Hey D.! how are you man? Nice to have u back!
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