domingo, 7 de novembro de 2010

TASCHEN CALENDAR (Illustration Now!)

Hello blogger world! As some of you may remember, last year I was selected as one of the artists whose work was featured in TASCHEN's book ILLUSTRATION NOW! volume 3.
This year, to promote the book TASCHEN published "Illustration Now!" diaries and calendars. Once again I had the honor to have my work chosen to be featured in the 2011 calendar.
I always loved TASCHEN, - my bedroom shelfs are filled with their books on illustration, graphic design, photography and advertisement. I always thought that TASCHEN was synonymous of excellence, glamour and good taste, so I'm very happy to have my work associated with them.
Many thanks to julius Wiedemann for being always so thoughtful and for treating artists with such concern and respect.

Saudações blogosfera! Como alguns de vós talvez se lembrem, o meu trabalho foi seleccionado para ser exibido no livro ILLUSTRATION NOW! 3 da editora TASCHEN que chegou às livrarias no final do ano passado.
Este ano, para promover o livro na altura do Natal, a TASCHEN decidiu lançar no mercado alguns materiais promocionais do livro, nomeadamente, agendas, cadernos e calendários. Mais uma vez, tive a honra de ser um dos artistas escolhidos para o calendário de 2011.
Sempre gostei muito desta editora - as estantes do meu quarto estão a abarrotar com livros da TASCHEN sobre ilustração, design gráfico, fotografia e publicidade. Para mim, esta editora sempre foi sinónimo de excelência, qualidade, requinte, glamour e bom gosto, por essa razão é um prazer ver o meu trabalho associado com eles.
Um grande abraço de agradecimento ao Julius Wiedemann pela sua constante atenciosidade e por tratar os artistas com tanta consideração e respeito.

109 comentários:

Artsnark disse...

Congrats! Looks fabulous

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey ArtSnark, thanks!

ARI disse...

Congratulations Francisco, you deserve it

Francisco Martins disse...

Hola Ari, muchas gracia amigo ;)

Vanilla disse...

Congratulations! You very much deserve it. I love Taschen books, I have quite a few on my shelf too, Illustration Now! are my favourites :) It's great that your work is on the calender too!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Vanilla, tanks a lot for visiting and for the nice words! ;)

Shayla disse...

I absolutely love books by TASCHEN, I wish I could have them all because everything that is published by them I love. That is amazing that you were in one!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Shayla, thanks a lot for visiting me and for leaving me a comment! :)

senhorita valdez disse...

The packaging looks so good! This taschen calendar makes a great christmas gift. You make me proud, babe :)

Francisco Martins disse...

Thanks bebecas... I (L) u 2 :)

nella gatica disse...

guauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu YO QUIEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

donny* disse...

That is an amazing piece to be a part of. Congratulations, my friend! I will definitely end up clicking that link and ordering. Looks amazing!

illustration poetry disse...

this is just amaaaazing, congrats okay, im really really happy to hear this from you and am so proud of you!!!!

you rule!

illustration poetry disse...

no, i mean, you and i rule.

heheh xD

illustration poetry disse...

so sorry i missed your previous post!
well in this case... yea, you rule.
i no rule.

have a good afternoon!

Francisco Martins disse...

Nelita: hahaha! Hola Nella, como estas? beso!

Donny: Hey bro, thanks a lot man! :)
I think it's a very cool thing to offer as a Xmas present! :)

Indira: You are right! we do rule very much thank you! :D Thanks for visiting ;) kiss!!!!

Ces Adorio disse...

WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! Congratulations! Your photography rocks. You have a beautiful mind.

Peter Breese disse...

Fantastic my friend! Another brilliant accomplishment by Monsieur Francisco... Bravo!

(now let me whisper in your ear: don't forget to put in a good word for me ;)) Ha ha! Keep rocking.

Francisco Martins disse...

Ces: Thank you so much Ces! My inner artist spirit salutes yours :)

Peter: Thank you buddy! :D
This is me whispering right back at ya: Will definitely do that ;) your work is amazing!

Greetings from Lisbon! (terrible terrible weather here. We are in code red weather warnings. humpf. I wish I didn't have to go to work. perfect day to stay in bed, or working from home n my cozy, warm bedroom :P

Ces Adorio disse...

Good morning or is it evening? I hope the weather relaxes. Stay safe!

Tomás Serrano disse...

¡Que bien! Salir en ese calendario tiene que ser fabuloso. me alegro por ti. Lo mereces.

Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Ces! When I got your comment it was the afternoon. Now it's 9.00 pm. Yeah, the weather is kinds scary around here! Thanks a lot and have a great day as well! hug! Tsoup!

Tomás: Muchas gracias amigo! :) un abrazo!

Ana de Amsterdam disse...

De facto é fabuloso ver-te a concretizar os sonhos.

Lembro-me das tardes passadas na tua casa; a comer as bolachas (que o teu pai trazia),enquanto desfolhávamos, completamente maravilhados, os teus livros da TASCHEN e comentávamos a competência daqueles artistas...

Agora passaste para dentro do livro, és um deles, e isso enche-me de orgulho e felicidade!

E eu sei que isto não vai ficar por aqui...

Love u.

Francisco Martins disse...

Amsterdam: Ohhhh obrigaduuuuu! amiga linda! :)
Hahahaha, essas tardes a enfardar areias de cascais como se não houvesse amanhã. Naquela altura, a gente podia comer tudo o que nos aparecesse à frente e não engordava nem uma grama! bons tempos esse :P
Epah temos de combinar uma sessão de cinema cá em casa.... a ver se é desta que te meto a ver o exorcista! hahaha

APO (Bem-Trapilho) disse...

WOW espectacular!!!
bjo bjo

Francisco Martins disse...

Olá Apo, muito obrigada pela visita e comentario! bjs!!

justdoodleit disse...

The images are so beautifully rich in detail...perfect for calendar. Congratulations!

Francisco Martins disse...

Thanks you so much! :)

Anónimo disse...

Adoro Francisco! Parabens :) a Taschen é o maximo!!

Como é que vai a Branca de Neve? ando a ler uma banda desenhada dela :P

Francisco Martins disse...

Alo Miss Pan!
Não me rogues uma praga, mas confesso que ainda não consegui arranjar tempo para começar a trabalhar nem na Branca de Neve nem no Peter Pan... ando a mil! Ainda nem sequer acabei a série dos mitos gregos. Please forgive me!!! O trabalho lá na empresa tem me deixado de rastos, e agora nos fins de semana tenho tido tanta coisa para resolver que não tenho tempo para trabalhar nas minhas coisas. Agora decidi que preciso de um agente. Estou farto de ter de lidar directamente com gente estúpida e sem educação, humpf! Mas aqui em Portugal já vi que as agencias são para esquecer. Se souberes de algumas boas aí no UK, let me know okay? Vou tentar arranjar uma nos USA, e outra que me represente nos UK, França Itália, Alemanha e Holanda. Wish miii luck! ;)

trejos-comics disse...

... QUE HERMOSO TRABAJO... sin palabras! :)

my comicblog! :)

Francisco Martins disse...

Muchas gracias por tu visita y comentário!

Johanna Urban disse...

WoW! Love it, like always ;P Congratulations!


Johanna, Sweden

Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Johanna, thanks a lot!

TrüSka disse...

Parabéns!!! É super cool teres o teu trabalho numa publicação da Taschen! O próximo passo é teres um livro da Taschen SÓ sobre o teu trabalho! : D Fico à espera!!! : *

Johanna Urban disse...

Hello Francisco!! That would be so cool, but I have a hard time to see myself as a model even if the photo's are amazing! But why not try and see what's happends! :)

Thanks again for the website!! Have a great week and Congrats again!! :)

johanna, sweden

robi pena disse...

Francisco :-))!! Enhorabuena por tus publicaciones campeon, se ven geniales, los colores son absolutamente fantasticos y los diseños, fabulosos!! WOW!! Abrazos amigo!!

Francisco Martins disse...

TrüSka: Obrigado pelo comentário! :)
Ha ha! bem.. isso de ter umm livro só sobre o meu trabalho parece-me que já é sonhar um pouco alto demais... fica para outras núpcias :P mas valeu pela força ;)

Johanna: You are welcome, great luck to you, wish you all the best!

Robi: Oláá amigo, há muito tempo que não te via por aqui! muito obrigado e um grande abraço!

TrüSka disse...

Obrigada Fancisco! Adorei ficar a conhecer os Coelhos do Caneco! Nunca tinha passado por esse blog - e já postei ; ) E de que vale sonhar se não podermos fazê-lo bem alto : D De qualquer das formas, no teu caso, e com o teu talento, não me parece nada impossível! E, olha, que eu tenho um feeling para estas coisas!!! Muitos beijinhos : ***

Francisco Martins disse...

São o máximo os coelhos não são???
Haha, quanto ao teu feeling... espero mesmo for my sake que não te enganes desta vez também! :)
gracias pelo comment e bjs

Carmen Saldaña disse...

Hello Francisco! How long I haven´t see you!
I´m glad you´re having success with your work, you deserve it.
Amazing calendar, I want one!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Carmen, you are right... long time no see! how are you??
Thanks a lot :)
Big kiss from Portugal

Rosa and Carlotta: Illustrated-Moodboard disse...

wow! congrats! we'd love to get featured there too :D
check out our fashion illustrations at :)

Francisco Martins disse...

Thanks a lot for the comment!
great blog too! cheers

Florencia Bini disse...

wow, it's been a long time since I last check you, I' been kind of lazy with bloging... but I'm back!!!
Congratulations on your latest works and publications!!!
Orpheus and the nymphs is a gorgeous piece of art, love every detail, it's amazing!!!
besos y hasta pronto :)

Francisco Martins disse...

Florencia, quanto tiempo! Muchas gracias por tu visita e comentario!
Saludos desde Portugal

valerie walsh disse...

Fantastic!!! Congratulations to you :D

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Val, thanks for visiting!

Mónica disse...

Olá Francisco!!! gosto muito deste calendario, na biblioteca procurei o livro de illustraçao de Taschen e fiquei maravilhada ao ver teus disenhos. Parabéns e um grande abraço desde aqui.

Francisco Martins disse...

Mónica, muito obrigado pela tua visita e por este comentáro tão simpático! :)
Como estás?


sonoio disse...

estás en Taschen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

qué grande francisco
me siento muy muy feliz
de verdad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

un gran y sincero abrazo!!!!!

más abrazos!

Francisco Martins disse...

Sonoio, muchas gracias amigo!!! fuerte abrazo desde Lisboa!:)

Glen Barbosa de Carvalho Batoca disse...

Fantástico Francisco!Vi este calendário aqui no Brasil e realmente é de altíssimo nível e você com todos os méritos merece estar aí,pois o seu trabalho é SENSACIONAL,você é um grande ilustrador meu amigo!
Abraços do Brasil!

Francisco Martins disse...

Glen, vindas de um artista do teu nível, essas palavras deixam-me muito lisonjeado! muito obrigado pela força e um abraço do tamanho do mundo! ;)

illustration poetry disse...


The images you show me are really inspiring!
Being honest, ive never heard of Sintra before but daaaaamn, it loooks cool and it sure will be a perfect place for a witch like me!
One of the images reminded me of The Great Wall of China somehow... and the rest are just enchanting.
Since you're also a photographer, i think you would make a great shot in that stunning place!

When are you gonna move to Sintra?
I hope there will be plenty of ghosts, i'd like to see you shoot some ghosts... heheh xD

ahemm, something funny: i thought you said "Sinatra"... What the heck are you talking about moving to Sinatra's forest...?
The singer got a forest???? HAHAHAHA, I WAS STUPID!!!

illustration poetry disse...

and thank youuuuuu VERRRY much for the songs!!!
too bad, i dont understand the language, what are the songs all about?

Wishing you a good luck ok!!!


Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Mita,

Sinatra? haaaaahahahaha :D

I'm sorry if I got carried away with all those links in your previous post. I really love Sintra and I try to promote it as much as I can. Sometimes I forget that not everybody is as crazy as I am.
About the songs... It's a Portuguese music gender called Fado - the word fado means Fate. Several Fado songs (especially the sad ones) speak of the sea (one of the songs I sent you is called The Song of the Sea) . We Portuguese - specially here in Lisbon, the city where I live - have a strong connection to the sea because Lisbon has always been a maritime harbor. Many songs speak of how the man would go to the see for months and the woman would wait for them, praying everyday that the sea would return their husbands, sons, fathers safe and sound to them. They speak of all the lives that were lost, and speak of the struggle and the day to day life of the poor.

Have a nice day yourself too :)



Brian Lue Sang disse...


Congratulations, my friend! You definitely deserve it, and just think - you keep getting better.

This is more great exposure for an artist who is definitely on the rise!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Brian, thanks a lot buddy!
Well... I'm not sure about the on the rise thing, but I'm sure as hell gunna work for it ;)

Big hug buddy

Laura Braga disse...

Great news Francisco, congratulations!! your work is always wonderful!
...I added your blog in the links of my blog! ;)
My compliments and See U soon!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Laura, thank you so much!
I will add you to my links as well :)
Greetings from Portugal

APO (Bem-Trapilho) disse...

olá Francisco! Desculpa a demora, mas cá estou...
muito obrigada pela visita! volta sempre!
mil bjinhos e fica bem!

Francisco Martins disse...

Olá Apo,
De nada! obrigado por retribuíres a visita ;)

Nicky Linzey disse...

WOW Francisco - Your work is so great. Congratulations on all your publishing!

Francisco Martins disse...

Nicky, thank you so much for your lovely words! :)

michael robertson disse...

WOW! WOW! WOW! If there's any publisher you want publishing your work, it's Taschen! Congratulations my friend, you officially hit the big time. Everything they do is first class. You should be very proud, Francisco!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Michael, how are you buddy?
Yeah, I LOVE Taschen an I have been filling my shelfs with their books since I was a kid. I was really happy when I got the email from the Editor in Chief inviting me to take part in the Illustration Now Book project. The book looks amazing and it's an honor to be counted among such amazing illustrators from about 130 countries. When I go the email the first time I was like... "seriously, you want to invite... ME?" lol!
The calendar looks awesome as well, definitely a great piece of design that would look amazing in any desk :D
Big hug to you buddy!


PRF - Traços Gerais disse...

Caro amigo Francisco,

É um nome que digo muitas vezes no dia a dia pois o meu filho tem o teu nome. Parabéns pelo teu trabalho e por estar publicado na Taschen. Mereces, as tuas ilustrações são excelentes!

Um abraço

Francisco Martins disse...

Olá caro amigo Pedro (também é um nome que digo com muita frequência pois tanto o meu chefe como o meu colega têm o teu nome :P), obrigado pela visita e pelo cpmentário! :)
Um abraço!

shamil disse...

magical.....ur designs is amazing nd pure martin

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Shamil, thanks a lot buddy! :)
Hello from Lisbon! ;)

Gracia disse...

Wow!! that's really prestigious!! congratulations!! and your work looks amazing!! great to be published by Taschen!! bss

vipindhanurdharan disse...

Nice works...

Francisco Martins disse...

Gracia: Thanks a lot for the nice words and for the visit :)

vipindhanurdharan: Thanks man!

RuAn disse...

Parabéns pois por tão afortunado acontecimento. Apertas

Francisco Martins disse...

Ruan, muchas gracias,
Fuerte abrazo

APO (Bem-Trapilho) disse...

Oi Francisco, vim ver as novidades. calculo que andes a mil com trabalho.
bjo grande e força!

Francisco Martins disse...

Olá Apo, como estás?
Sim, muito trabalho... uma corredia desenfreada!
e tu td bem?


APO (Bem-Trapilho) disse...

a rir, a rir, mas é disso mesmo que estamos a precisar, amigo! somos muito brandos, compreensivos com tudo e todos... e depois abusam de nós. :( à revolução!!!
bjo e obrigada pela visita!

Francisco Martins disse...

Mas é que podes crer! eu estou FARTOOOO disto! axo k isto está tudo a precisar de um abanão (Salvo seja) que é para ver se as pessoas acordam, pk anda tudo a fazer de nós parvos :S humpf

Damion009 disse...

WOW MAN CONGRATS!!! they've got GOOD TASTE! and you deserve it.

Francisco Martins disse...

D.!!!!! Long time no see man, how r ya?
well it's an honor to have you around here too buddy!

Thanks a lot man... missed ya! :)


Vanessa Brantley Newton disse...

CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!!! Now you know I have to get this now. To tell all my family here is the artwork of one of the handsomest, most talented designer, photographer, and illustrators you will ever see. BOY oh BOY is this fabulous news. Francisco I am just so proud right now. It's amazing man. You deserve this. I am soooooo, soooooo , soooooo Happy and over joyed about this for you. You did the hard work and it's paid off in a very big way! Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us. Anyone that is not rejoicing with you is just plain hateful. I am loving this. Okay, now I have to go and find me one he he he he he he! Wish me luck. Merry Christmas to you. Have a sweet and safe one.
BIG HUGS to you!
A very proud sistah of yours

Francisco Martins disse...

Oh V. you are THE BEST! I can always tell that you are being truly genuine when you make this amazingly kind and ego lifting comments! thank you sister :)
World sized hug to you!

Bella Sinclair disse...


You, Francisco, deserve to be in the book and calender. Your work IS synonymous with excellence, glamour and good taste! Wow, what a dream come true. You are a rock star!

Francisco Martins disse...

thank you thank you thank you :D
Seriously Bella, thanks for the support!
Big hug!!!

L.Miranda disse...

Parabens!!. Looks fantastic!

Francisco Martins disse...

Gracias :)

LuisNCT disse...

Congratulations Francisco! Be featured on a Taschen book should be a great feeling!!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Luis, how are you bussy?
Thanks man... indeed it is a greta feeling ;)

Amy C disse...

Wow congrats Francisco
It looks fantastic.
Wishing you Happy Holidays!
Amy C

Francisco Martins disse...

Thanks a lot Amy!
Happy holidays for you too! :)

Eric Barclay disse...

Outstanding- congratulations!!!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Eric, thanks buddy!
Greetings from Lisbon

bog_art disse...

Congratulations my friend!! Although it is kind of obvious that your art work will be in art projects like this one. Cheers!!

Francisco Martins disse...

Heya Bog, long time no see!
Thanks man! :)

Happy holidays everybody!

APO (Bem-Trapilho) disse...

olá Francisco!
Vim desejar-te um excelente Natal, recheado de muita saúde, paz e amor.
E que 2011 te traga muitos e bons projectos.
bjinho carinhoso,


Francisco Martins disse...

Olá Paula, muito obrigado!
Muitos beijinhos e um excelente natal para ti também!, com tudo de bom

Vanessa Brantley Newton disse...

Dearest Mr. Handsome, talented and Awesome,
Thanks so much for taking time to come and visit the old lady he he he! I will spare you the Christmas gift and I won't send Little Ray to your house. I care to much about you to do that he he he! I will just leave him in his cage! Wishing you a most wonderful and Happiest Holidays to you. Sending you the biggest hug I can muster up for you.
Much love and joy to you.

Francisco Martins disse...

Thank you thank you thank you!
Say what?? old lady???? Vanessa you look younger than I do! you have to tell me your secret by the way :D

I wish you the happiest holidays EVER!
Have fun and eat all the good stuff you can lay your hands on! God knows I will! hahaha

Never ending hugs to ya! ;)

Bella Sinclair disse...

Wishing you and your loved ones the happiest of holidays! May you have lots of love and laughter and blessings, and may the new year bring you new exciting opportunities!

Laura Braga disse...

Hi Francisco... A special wish for a merry Christmas and happy new year!!
Great works! ;)

Francisco Martins disse...

Bella, thank you so much!
I wish you all the best for the new year, and may you have an amazing Christmas with your loved ones. Lot's of candy too! :D

Laura: Thanks so much for visiting me and I wish you the best holidays ever! :)

Fenda Flor disse...

Dando seqüência ao comentário, realmente não tem como não admirar o que você faz. Sua arte tem uma diversidade sublime, originalidade poética, perfeição que se entrega ao abismo e voa. Suas conquistas são fatos dados pela base por ti formada a dar impulso a este vôo formoso e voraz, gentil e determinado. Parabéns, Francisco, a cada conquista.

Francisco Martins disse...

Obrigado pelas suas palavras gentis Bruno!

jazzlamb disse...

WOWOWOWOW!!! This is so awesome! I love your work and Illustration now is always a treatfor the eyes! Congratulations :D

Francisco Martins disse...

Heya buddy! thanks a lot for your words :)

Ilaria Benedetti disse...

Wow! I've just descovered your blog and your illustrations are so brilliant! Congrats for the Taschen calender: I love it! :)

Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Ilaria, thanks a lot for your lovely comment!
Happy new year!