Peak's Woods is a South Korean ball jointed dolls company. To celebrate it's 10th anniversary, Peak's Woods launched a design contest to create an image for merchandising that would be used during upcoming events. It was an honor to be selected as 1st prize winner
Peak's Woods é uma empresa Sul Coreana de Ball Jointed Dolls. Para celebrar os seus 10 anos de existência no mercado de BJDs, a empresa lançou um concurso de design/ilustração para desenvolver uma imagem a ser usada em merchandising promocional durante eventos futuros como convenções e stands de apresentação dos seus produtos. Foi um honra ter sido seleccionado como vencedor do primeiro prémio.
21 comentários:
Congratulations, Francisco!!! This is wonderful and exciting for you. I love your illustration for Peak's Wood ~ you are deserving of this win.
Hi Audrey, thank you so much for your lovely comment!
All the best!
I'm not at all surprised that you took first prize...this is absolutely fantastic, Francisco!
Michael, thank you so much buddy! :)
Huge hug!
Wow, you rock, man! Fantastic illustration and a hearty congratulations!
Hey Donny, how are you buddy? Thanks a million man! cheers!
WOW! That's amazing! CONGRATULATIONS :D :D This calls for a PARTY! :)
Haha! thanks Buddy! Actually the grand prize is an obscenely expensive BJD doll that I'm gonna love to draw I'm sure! She must be arriving to my address any day now :D
Fala Francisco ! Realmente foi oque disse a vc no facebook, seu sucesso independe do local ao você mostre os teus trabalhos,se você um dia tentar o mercado Brasileiro eu não tenho dúvidas do seu sucesso por aqui ! Parabéns pelo prêmio!
Glen, muito obrigado amigo! um abraço :)
you are, without a doubt, is one of those killer graphic designers!!!
CONGRATSSSSSSS, sooooo happy for ya!!
Hi Mita, hank you so much!
How are you doing??
huge hug to you
I knew you'd blow everyone away in this contest!!!
Congratulations Francisco!!!
Thanks a million Brian :D
Hope all is well with you!
Hermosa ilustración, me encantó!!
Felicitaciones por el premio!!
COuld you please stop winning contests? hahaha.. Just kidding my friend, when there is talent, prizes just come. Congratulations for your fantastic work as always! I loved your "moon dance! entry! I hope you are complete recovered by now. :)
MUAHAHAHAH! thanks Bog!
Yes, my recovery is going great, thanks for asking :)
Cheers bro!
Congrats! I love the colors and expressiveness of this. Great work.
Thanks a lot for the visit and kind comment :)
A belated congratulations! Very eye-catching
Thank you Satcey! :)
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