This illustration is from my new GENESIS series, and I called it: "Seriously?? superpowers and everything?". I had a great time doing this one.
Boys, I'm posting a sequel soon - with an Eve, just for you guys! :P
Olá amigos blogueiros! Fui convidado pelo editor de uma revista de moda de Miami, para incluir um trabalho meu na sua edição de Pimavera/verão 2010. Esta publicação chama-se Apollo Models e é uma revista que se focaliza na imagem positiva dos homens através da moda, fitness, arte, cinema e entretenimento.
Esta ilustração pertence à minha nova série GÉNESIS, e o seu título é: "Seriously? superpowers and everything?". Diverti-me bastante durante a sua concepção.
Rapazes...vou postar dentro em breve uma sequela...que envolve uma eva - Só para vocês! :P
Rapazes...vou postar dentro em breve uma sequela...que envolve uma eva - Só para vocês! :P
83 comentários:
Looks awesome man! SO great to see work being published-- always a great accomplishments, and you have many!
Keep it up!
Thanks buddy!
Ja, ja, ja... Veremos a Eva con impaciencia...
gorgeous work, with a new, fresh touch to it :) i´m lucky to have sneak-peaked Eve and I can tell it looks beatiful too. *lov
Tomás: hehe..I'll post her soon, don't worry bro! :P
Valdez: Thanks girl! wanna go to the movies net weekend again? You, me and Fausto - the 3 musketeers! :D
We always have so much funn together!! Loveeeeeee youuuuuuuu (L)
Hi Francisco.
Congratulations on your invitation to showcase your work in Apollo Modells. I stopped by your blog the other evening and was impressed with your work. I need to come back and look at your older posts. Just swamped right now. Thank you for your visit to my blog ~ it will be nice having a friend in Portugal.
Hi Audrey,
Thanks for returning the visit! :)
yes indeed, it's great knowing new people from all over the world. Long live the Internet! :D
WOW!!! this really did cheer me up! OUTSTANDING job as always dude!!!
Thanks my awesomely talented friend! coming from you...means the world! :D
Congratulations! This is fantastic, and you deserve all the recognition coming your way. Wow, this is beautiful. HE is beautiful! Hahahaha. Foolish Eve to muck things up.....
Hey Bella,
yeahhh!! what was she thinking?? I mean...eternal life...in a freaking PARADISE? with tropical fruits everywere you look?? not having acne problems?? what a dumb ass! :P
hehe, thanks for the comment Bella
Bom dia, Francisco!!, ¡¡Parabéns pela publicaçao de teu perfeito trabalho pra mergulhar nesta foresta e conhecer um novo personagem da tua criatividade :) um abraço e obrigadinha por tua visita e giras palavras.
Wow, Congratulations on being published. Mind you I'm not suprised - your work is beautiful
Obrigada Francisco pela visita! Gosto muito de te ver lá pelo meu blog.
Adorei saber que a tua arte vai chegar a Miami! Boa!!! Parabéns! é bem merecido. tem realmente tudo a ver com a ideia do catálogo. Sucesso!
Obrigado!! :)
Siempre me sorprenden tus imagenes. He repasado algunos post anteriores y me quedo maravillada.
Saludos hombres talentoso
Holla Paulina,
Muchas gracias por tus tan amables palabras! :)
This is great!!! esto es fabuloso amigo!!!!
Hi Nellita!
Graciass!! :D
ahaha acabei de ler o comentário que me deixaste. :) vindo de ti só pode ser piada! Tu, profissional da coisa, e eu e a minha pipoca "ilustradoras de trazer por casa"... LOL És um simpático, é o que é! :)
Oras...estava a dizer a verdade poças! :P
A sério, dentro do estilo -para crianças, acho que estão giras e com um ar sweet! :)
what a wonderful blog you've got here. amazing work all around!
thanks so much for the behance link. have to say again, amazing work. i'm completely in love with the hybrid series. have a great week!
Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it!
Wow-- your work is really beautiful! I love your website!
Hey Krista,
Thanks for stopping by and for your nice words! :)
what fun! Congrats
GOOOOD GRACIOUS ME!!! HOLY MOLY!! Straight eye candy all over the place. You can't do this to me. My little heart just can't take it. Neither can my eyes for that matter LOL! This is.......... dang........ just.... Off the freakin' wall fabulous. I love the design and the color is just signature Francisco! I love it. Gorgeous is not even the word right now. I'm speechless at your talents man. You are just on such a level. It's amazing!! This is stellar indeed.
ArtSnark: Thank you!! :)
Vanessa: Hahaha! thank you thank you thank you! :D
Should i keep this line of work?? :P
love it this guy is beautiful and this really does look like Eden, so beautiful serene and delicate.
Hey Amy, thanks girl! :)
Everyone says he's cute...Is he like... cuter than ME??? I'm getting jealous now!! :P
ok eu acredito! :)))
Linda menina! :D
this work is amazing, it looks so so good!!!!
It's been a while since the last time I checked on your blog, you latest post are wonderful too.
And thank you for the visit:)
Hi Florencia, how have you been?
Thanks, I'm glad you liked this :)
Seriously man, in this one you just replaced my face with someone else! Ha ah aha ah... Nice work buddy and congrats on the mag!! Well earned attention.
Hahahaha! shutt upppp!!! that's ME over there! :D My hair just looks different cuse i died it, and i was wearing make up and blye eye lens...don't you recognise me???
Incrível a técnica!!!! Mais um trabalho com um cunho muito pessoal!. Parabéns! Mal posso esperar ver a Eva!
Olá Pedro, obrigado pela visita e pelo comentário!
"Seriouly" cool my friend. Awesome to know about the new feather on the hat.congratulations! I sure am waiting for eve to appear. :P there is going to be a serious competition to Adam. he he.
And thanks for the wake up call. Working on something! :) good day man.
Hey VJ.
Hehe, thanks man!
Ok, looking forward to see it! :)
hey mate!!! fingers crossed this message comes though!!! :P
congrats on the publication too! :P
Hey Carl,
Thanks buddy! :D
wow! truly inspiring stuff! thanks so much for your comment on my blog, i really appreciate it!
Hi Nina,
Thanks for returning the visit, and commenting back!:)
Awesome work!!! Congratulations on the publicity, it is well deserved!
Hey Eric,
thanks my friend! :)
Congrats on the Apollo entry! Thats a really venue to be showcased in. Looking forward to seeing Eve.
Hey Leon,
Thanks man! :D
Mais um fantástico trabalho!!!Realmente meu amigo Francisco seus trabalhos são dignos de grandes publicações pois são realmente excelentes!!!
Abraços do Brasil!
Aí Glen! Tudo bem com você amigo?
Obrigado pelo comentário...abração de Portugal!
Another awesome piece-- you are so talented, I look forward to seeing the rest!
Hey Douce, Thanks a lot for visiting ad for commenting! :)
Hey, thanks for the comment on my blog!
This is seriously wicked! I used to be a general arts major before condensing it down to fashion design, and one of the courses I took was illustration. You're making me want to draw again!
But seriously, congrats on getting published! =D
Hey there! :)
Thanks a lot for the comment! :)
wow, muito muito bom. parabens!
Olá Gonçalo, obrigado pelo comentário! :)
you are an unbelievably talented designer, francisco. your style is so identifiable. congrats on another great accomplishment-and at such a young age! very, very impressive, my friend.
Hey Michel,
Aw, thank you man....really appreaciate that! :)
Thanks a lot!
Great great stuff, man! It looks really intricate and I'm glad it got published. You are so very very talented!
Waiting for the sequel:)
Hey Jazzlamb,
Thanks man! :)
Bella luz y color, tu trabajo es muy bueno.
Hola Jessie,
Gracias por tu visita y comentário!
Hello Francisco!
Congratulations for your work, you´re a great artist and you deserve all the success.
Hi Carmen,
Thank you so much!!
Holy cow - wonderful piece and great exposure! Congratulations, Francisco!! Happy to see that more people are discovering how awesome your work is - I can't wait ot see Eve!!
Hey Brian, how are you buddy? h
ehe, thanks! Eve's coming soon! :)
haha claro, una Eva para los chicos :)
Me encanta el colorido y la atmósfera de tus ilustraciones Francisco! pura magia!
un abrazo!
Hi Cati,
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! :)
Congratulations!Your work is fantastic!
Hey there,
Thank you so much! :)
Valeu mesmo pelo seu comentário meu amigo Francisco,vindo de um grande artista como você é uma satisfação para mim!!!
Abraços do Brasil!
Valeu Glen! Tu é que és um grande artista! :)
Wait, I recognize this fabulous man. Isn't this....Peter Breese?
Nooooo no no noooo! Cant you see?? that's meeeee over there! :P
Hey Handsome Man!! Hope all is well with you. I know I already told you, but do you know your genius???? he he he he! I just thought you needed to be reminded is all! All is well here. Thanks so much for your kind words over at the blog. I do so enjoy when you come to visit. Have a most wonderful weekend. Go have fun!
Hey V,
hehe, what?? genius...who...me? noo, you're the genius!
Thanks girl, have a nice weekend yourself! :D
I am getting ready for Eve then!.. lol.. Amazing artwork my friend.. I am working hard now in some personal proyects.. more soon.. un abrazo!.
Hey Bog, how are you man?
thanks! :)
Hey Dude, I'm so glad you liked the layout. I'm do lazy to do a new banner right now. Between freelance work and caring for my hubby and daugher and two cats, Mama hardly has time to do anything else. This is a compliment coming from you talented you he he he he! Have a great week Baby!!
Hehe, don't mention it! Looks awesome, I mean it! :)
Have a great sunday!
Olá Francisco,
venho de ver o trabalho do Edem e do Apolo. Gostei muito, que escenario mitico!
Obrigado pelo seu comentario no blogue,
Obrigado pelo comentário Daniel! :)
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