terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2010

RAWR! (me eat you!)

Hey everybody! I know It's been a while since my last post. I have a few new things to post, but I'm not allowed to do it just yet.

In the meantime, here's something that I came up with the other day... I called it RAWR! (me eat you!).

Sometimes - especially when I'm feeling a little blue - I like to just create compositions without thinking about anything...I just like to let it flow and see what happens. That's my way of getting to know myself a little better and understand what is happening within - what my feelings/emotions are at the moment. In the end, even though I haven't give it too much thought, it all makes perfect sense. This piece is about urban predators, the ones with 2 legs who live in the real jungle - the city. Sometimes, living in the depths of a forest with the beasts can be easier than having to face the worst sides of human nature.

Olá amigos blogueiros! Já lá vai algum tempo desde o meu último post. Tenho algumas coisas em lista de espera para postar, mas de momento ainda não me é permitido faze-lo na medida em que os respectivos trabalhos estão para ser publicados em breve e por uma questão de ética profissional, não os colocarei online antes disso se concretizar. Entretanto, deixo-vos uma ilustração que criei há apenas alguns dias atrás…chamei-lhe RAWR! (me eat you!). Por vezes – especialmente quando me sinto mais depressivo – gosto de criar composições sem pensar em absolutamente nada daquilo que estou a fazer. Gosto de deixar a criatividade fluir e ver o que acontece. É a minha forma de analisar e perceber os meus sentimentos/emoções nesse momento. No fim de a peça estar concluída, apesar de não ter feito esforço nenhum para construir um conceito de raiz, tudo faz perfeito sentido.

Esta ilustração fala sobretudo de predadores urbanos – os de 2 pernas que vivem na verdadeira “selva2 que é a cidade. Por vezes, viver nas profundezas de uma floresta, no meio das feras, pode ser menos complicado do que ter de enfrentar os lados mais tenebrosos da natureza humana.

45 comentários:

Abz disse...

I couldnt have said it better myself. I too just let it all out and just explore... I dont think about composition (not till the end to make sure its appealing), nor the lines or anything, I just..go for it... and I can see thats what you did too. Excellent, as always! Keep them coming!! :)

Carl Knox disse...

kickass francisco!

Man I totally know what you are talking about with the free-paintin-sessions! that's when the real art happens.

Love this one!

Francisco Martins disse...

Abz: Hey mister!
yeah...sometimes I feel that's it's not me who's doing the piece. It's like I'm just a channel, and the information is flowing trough my mind and hands, coming from somewhere. In the end, I can't believe that I really did that piece. There's even details that I don't remember making. lol, does this make any sense?

Carl: Heya dude!
Thanks buddy. I really loved your latest piece :)

PRF - Traços Gerais disse...

Caro Francisco,

Bom ano para ti e para o teu blog! Que nunca te falte trabalho, estas ilustrações merecem ser publicadas.
Mais uma para a colecção com a tua marca, cores, tons, composição, temática, etc. Ainda bem que o trabalho de vez também serve para espantar fantasmas.

Um abraço e espero que publiques aqui essas obras mal possas!

Francisco Martins disse...

Pedro: Obrigado pela a visita, amigo, e pelo comentário! :)
Sim, espero ter exemplares para fotografar no final de fevereiro! :D

Pito disse...

Que buena!!!

Excelente reaparición Francisco.

Abrazo amigo.

Francisco Martins disse...

Holla Pito,
Como tens passado amigo? gracias por tu visita! un furte abrazo desde Portugal!

Francisco Martins

Soraia Ernesto disse...

Hi!!! Gosto muito deste estilo! está "U must" :) Love U

Soraia Ernesto disse...

Hi!!! Gosto muito deste estilo! está "U must" :) Love U

Francisco Martins disse...

Soraaaa! brigaduuu loirona lindaa! :)
Love uuu MORE!

Vanessa Brantley Newton disse...

I agree with Carl!! This is sooooooo freakin'n off the dam chain it's SICK!!!! This is CRAZY FABUUUUUUU!!! I love it. YOU ROCK! You do know this right???? YOU REALLY ROCK!! Thanks so much for your very kind words left on the blog. You make me feel like I can do anything. That means a lot to me. Thanks so much. I thank God for special friends like you. Your priceless yes indeed you are

Francisco Martins disse...

Hiii V!
OMG, tank youuu! tank you, thank you, thank you! hahaha! You make it look like I'm so much better than what I reallyyyy am! but feels great! haha
Seriously, thank you so much for such nice words! :)

Carmen Saldaña disse...

Hello Francisco, It doesn´t matter the way your do your art, your work is always terrific.
Great artist, I hope you will show us a lot of your wonderful work this new year!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Carmen! How have you been doing?
Thank you so much for your comment and visit!

nella gatica disse...

Una pieza increíble!!! como todo tu trabajo! cada día mejor!!! me encanta tu nivel de inspiración! te admiro! un abrazo!

Francisco Martins disse...

Holla Nellita, como estas?
muchas gracias por tu visita y oir tuas palabras tan amables! :)

michael robertson disse...

I love the way you think-there's nothing better than being spontaneous and just letting it flow! It's usually when we do our best work... gorgeous stuff, Francisco-can't wait for more.

Artsnark disse...


Francisco Martins disse...

Michael: Hey man, What's up?? thanks a lot for your nice worlds! :)

ArtSnark: Thank you!

Tomás Serrano disse...

Espectacular otra vez! Me gusta mucho tu estilo de ilustraciones.

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Tomás! muchas gracias amigo! :)

Bella Sinclair disse...

This is way cool!!! Dare I say it??? Fierce! The speech bubble is an excellent touch. Using art to explore your emotions is terrific therapy. And look at what you get at the end. Bonus!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Bella!
Thanks sister :D
Yes indeed...it is a great therapy.
I'm glad you liked it!

Damion009 disse...

my friend! this is truly amazing!!!! god I love your work so much!....

Francisco Martins disse...

Thank youuuuu Damion! But I love your's more! :D
Take care buddy!
huge hug

Amy C disse...

this is so spontaneous lovely, fierce and beautiful, the subtle colors in this piece are so stunning.

Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Amy
Thanks my friend! I'm glad you liked it! :)

Emily disse...

Really liking the translated RAWR! (Made me smile)
I usually call that state of drawing letting the hand draw... as opposed to me drawing, as if it was a separate entity or something...
Anyway, great piece Francisco!

Francisco Martins disse...

Hi Emily,
yeah i know what you mean...like i was saying to Abz in the top of this page, sometimes I feel that's it's not me who's doing the piece. It's like I'm just a channel, and the information is flowing trough my mind and hands, coming from somewhere. In the end, I can't believe that I really did that piece. There's even details that I don't remember making. he he he, crazy heh?

Daniel disse...

Olà Francisco,
muito obrigado pelo seu comentario no meu blogue. Desculpa meu português, he he. Venho de ver suas ilustraçoes, gostei das composiçoes e as cores. Parabèns! Parabèns também pela apariçâo no livro de ilustraçâo. Desejo tenha muitos trabalhos e bons contatos nesse meio.

Francisco Martins disse...

Gracias Daniel por tu comentário! :)

Chelsea Kirchoff disse...

Hey Francisco! Thanks for stopping by! I really appreciated the comment! Your work is really unique. I love the fusion of graphic design and illustration. I look forward to future updates!

Chelsea :)

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Chelsea,
Thanks for returning the visit and leaving a comment! :)

Jason Crawford disse...

Hello there Francisco - thanks for visiting my blog and your kind words.
Loving your work. You've got a real strong eye for layout and use of font too. Awesome stuff. Really great.
JC :)

Brian Lue Sang disse...

I love it, Francisco! I agree with your emotional approach and how it helps you understand yourself.

Hope you're doing well, my friend!

Francisco Martins disse...

Jason: Hi man, thanks a lot for returning the visit and for your comment! :)

Francisco Martins disse...

Brian: Hey friend, how are you?
Thanks for visiting me, and for your opinion on this one. I'm glad you liked it! :)

pakoto disse...

i really like your style Francisco!! saludos de otro Francisco desde España

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Francisco! thanks a lot for returning the visit. I'm really glad you liked my stuff! :D

robi pena disse...

Estas hecho un fenomeno, que buena esta nueva aportacion y siempre tan impresionante tus composiciones!!!! Un fuerte abrazo amigo!!

Francisco Martins disse...

Gracias Robi!
Un abrazo irmano!

Peter Breese disse...

Awesome buddy, very fun. The best ideas always comes easily.

Francisco Martins disse...

Hey Peter, thanks buddy! :D
You're right...when you let the inspiration flow by it's self - no pushing - things come out much easier! :)

Lina Melo disse...

Apesar de te conhecer a pouco tempo és uma grande pessoa és muito querido. Em relação ao teu trabalho é excepcional e refinado estou a falar de uma pessoa com elevada sensibilidade artística.
Tenho a certeza que vais ter muito sucesso porque tu és excelente
Desejo-te muita sorte

Beijocas, Lina Melo

Francisco Martins disse...


Muito obrigado pelo teu comentário tão simpático! Fiquei muito contente quando o li! :)
Muios beijinhos! :D