terça-feira, 24 de março de 2009


Hey buddies! I've been working hard lately and haven't got the time to create new stuff. Meanwhile, I decided to post this collage that I made yesterday with 2 cinderella characters I created a long time ago. Hope you like it!

Olá amigos, colegas, seguidores e visitantes! Tenho andado bastante ocupado com trabalho ultimamente, e não me tem sobrado tempo para os meus projectos pessoais. Entretanto, resolvi postar esta fotomontagem que criei ontem com 2 characters que fiz já há algum tempo atrás por ocasião de umas ilustrações que fiz sobre o fairytale: Cinderella. Espero que gostem!

42 comentários:

sonoio disse...


Bãpp disse...

romantic :) :)

Nelly disse...

Que hermosura!!!

Artsnark disse...

She's lovely


i just loove the atmosphere of your works, so ethereal!

Vanessa Brantley Newton disse...

HOW DELIGHTFULLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!! This is just amazing! Cinderella never looked so good! Great work!!! Thanks for stopping by!

Dan szilagyi disse...

Thanks for stopping by man! glad to see you liked the stuff i put up :)

cool stuff :p


Nico Di Mattia disse...

Amazing work my friend!! Love the design style, the colors and the themes.
Excelente como siempre Francisco!!! Un abrazo.

Unknown disse...

Para variar matando a pau nas ilustrações Chicão!! Show de bola!

Carmen Saldaña disse...

Wowwww, It´s terrific!!!
I love your colors and the surrealistic aurea, you´re the best!

Mónica disse...

Ohhh, adorei este fotomontajem de cinderella, as borboletas, os fatos dela com limones e passarinhos. Um abraço e bom dia :)

Amy C disse...

another magical piece, I love the little birdies flying around

Dominic Philibert disse...

Wow !!!!!! Beautiful man.
It as a nice atmosphere!!!!
Love the colors too!!!!!

Pupi disse...

yeah love cinderella, nice colours... Bueníiiisimo XD

Carl Knox disse...


Man i'm digging your colour palates... I'm going to have to study some more I think. :P

thanks so much for your comments on my blog! I've got that soundtrack running in my head too! You're not insane. :P

The funny thing is all those sketches were drawn independent of eachother.. just doodling around. And then when you stand back and seem them as a collective them seem to want to tell you a story of asian sword play fighting pirates and bearded-coated men! I love it. Def going to try more of this style.. with inspiration from your colour palate it could end up anywhere. :P

Unknown disse...

Wowo, this work is very interesting!

Lydia Sanchez disse...

Preciosos diseños!


Darkskyeleven Studios-Max Fülöp art disse...

Wow!!! Grandioso como siempre, me encanta tu trabajo! Denota el mayor de los cuidados en los detalles y una tecnica impecable.Un abrazo.

Catilustre disse...

oH! so warm and charming illustration, dreamer cinderella, and magical athmosphere! Sooo beautiful!!

sandra conejeros fuentes disse...

wow! Cinderella... i like so much your vision about this traditional history . About technical aspects, the colours are amazing!

big hugs for you!
a pleasure to visit this blog!

PRF - Traços Gerais disse...

A ilustração não é a minha área mas estas são muito boas, tecnicamente perfeitas e originais.

A expressão da Cinderela está incrível.

Abraço e continuação de bom trabalho!


hmmm busy busy busy arent ya? ^_^

Francisco Martins disse...

Muito obrigado a todos pelas palavras gentis que me dedicaram/ Thanks a million to everyone, for the nice words that you've left me!

Ella: Yeah...really buisy. I wish I was buisy making things that I like, for a change. heheh!

Unknown disse...

great work men! gracias por visitarme!! abrazo...

Glen Barbosa de Carvalho Batoca disse...

Belíssimo trabalho!!!Visitar seu blog é garantia de apreciar belas ilustrações,parabéns!!!

Um abraço do Brasil

Pito disse...

Gracias por la visita Francisco.

En mi lugar subi algo nuevo a tu solicitud y la de unos amigos.

Tu trabajo como siempre.....GENIAL.

Te dejo un abrazo.

Glen Barbosa de Carvalho Batoca disse...

Muito obrigado pelo seu comentário Francisco!É isto aí meu caro amigo "todos devemos prestar atenção nesta questão" é vital para todos nós,é uma questão universal!
Um abraço do Brasil

Jessica Piqueras disse...

Hermoso. Los colores son preciosos.

Francisco Martins disse...

Muito obrigado a todos pelos comentarios. É muito bom ter-vos por cá!

Dominic Philibert disse...

Thanx man!
You made me laugh out loud!
Glad you like my stuff!
Looking forward to see your newest stufff maaaaaan!
Take care
Hope everything's fine with you.

Francisco Martins disse...

Everything's fine Dom...Just not enough time to illustrate. Humpf! :S

Brian Lue Sang disse...

Great work! Your model does look like a perfect 'Cinderella' too!

Your last few posts have some wonderful work as well!

Also, I've awarded you with a 'Breese Award' because you're awesome! Please check my blog to get your prize

Gracia disse...

hey!! how are you ? your latests entries are great!! I love this illustration of cinderella and I also love the illustration you did to decorate the design agency!! brilliant!!!cool!!
Thankyou for your visits! I'm sorry I was away for so long, and thank you for your encouraging messages!! now I am back! Cheers!!! :D

Peter Breese disse...

Very nice. Like the longing look in the eyes and the pose.

Francisco Martins disse...

Brian: Thank you so much for passing the Breeze award on to me...I'm very honored to know that my work reaches to someone and inspires other great artists such as yourself. I was very happy to read your comment. Cheers dude!

Miss Stranded: Hey girl! Glad to have you back...we missed you!

Peter: Thanks for stoping by Pete and for you comment. The girl I used as a model is a friend of mine (Maria Vasconcelos), and she has a very expressive face. What I love about her is that she is very chameleonic. She is actualy a burnette with very dark hair, tanned skin and deep brown eyes. I really enjoyed working on the transformation...I changed her hair, her skin tone, eye color, added freckles and changed the dress completely. I loved working on these Cinderella characters.

Eric Barclay disse...

Outstanding work, my friend. Really magical!

douce disse...

I'm surprised I haven't commented on this piece yet, I really love it. Your work reminds me a bit of Pierre and Gille only new and fresh. I guess it is the combination of wonderful photography and beautiful graphics. Someday I hope you will share your secrets on how you put these pieces together! Love it!

Francisco Martins disse...

Eric: Thank you so much Eric, I always apreciate your opinion!

Douce: You're right! Pierre et Gilles and David Lachapelle are amongst my greatest influences. There are many others (such as James Bidgood, Erwin Olaf...), but I would choose those 2 references as the most important.
As for my "secret"...well it's really a simple process. Most of the times I take the photos myself. For exemple, for my cincerella character, I used a friend of mine as a photographic model. She's a burnette, with really dark hair, deep brown eyes, and medium dark skin. Then I changed the color of her eyes and her skin tone in photoshop into a much lighter tone, added some freckes, painted over her skin to get the kind of tone that I wanted - the typical skin of a red head. Then I used a lot photos of hair - pieces from different photos - to create her hair. Then I changed the color of her dress, that was baby blue into brown, painted some holes and patches into the dress to create the look of a very old dress, and then, finaly added the bugs and the birds. In the end, I worked on the color of the whole piece so that it looked uniform and harmonious. That's pretty much it!

See you next post!

Francisco Martins


Me encanta este trabajo. Enhorabuena!

Tara's Art Camp disse...

great imagination, love it!

Francisco Martins disse...

Vronica, Tara: Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!

Anónimo disse...

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