Hello everybody! how are you all doing? hope you have started 2012 with your right foot :)
Just thought I'd share these digital paintings that I did. They are inspired by some of my fav. cartoons when I was a kid: Thundercats, and He-man and the Masters of the Universe. Hope you like them!
PS: for some reason my blog has this bug that won't allow some images to enlarge, so in case you want to see all of thhese images in a larger size, please visit this link: http://www.behance.net/gallery/RANDOM-PAINTINGS/2949923
Olá pessoal! Espero que tenham começado o ano em grande :)
Deixo aqui estas duas pinturas digitais que fiz nas ultimas duas semanas, inspiradas nos meus desenhos animados preferidos quando era miúdo: Thundercats e He-man and the Masters of the Universe. Espero que gostem... abraços!
PS. O meu blog tem um bug qualquer que não permite algumas imegens abrirem num tamanho maior. Assim, se quiserem ver estas imagens um pouco maiores, por favor visitem o meu behance: http://www.behance.net/gallery/RANDOM-PAINTINGS/2949923