quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011


Hello Friends! 2 posts in the same month eh? I'm getting better aren't I? :P

So... I have been reading Thoreau lately. I specially love a passage from Walden and while I was reading it, this image was formed in my mind like an epiphany. The feeling that I had to get it out of my head and turn it into something tangible haunted me for days, so I finally decided to create this piece. I hope you guys like it and your opinions are very welcome.
Model: Aiden Maclean

The excerpt that inspired me to do this illustration is this one:
"I found myself suddenly neighbor to the birds; not by having imprisoned one, but having caged myself near them.” Thoreau, Henry David. Walden, 1854

Ultimamente tenho andado a ler Thoreau. Gostei especialmente de uma passagem do livro Walden, Ou Uma Vida Nos Bosques. (1) Enquanto lia o excerto em questão, uma imagem formou-se na minha mente como se de uma epifania se tratasse :P
Durante dias tive a sensação de que tinha de transformar aquela imagem etérea numa coisa real e tangível que se pudesse ver, e assim nasceu esta ilustração. Espero que gostem e agradeço as vossas opiniões.
Modelo: Aiden Maclean

(1) O excerto a que me refiro é o seguinte:
"Dou por mim subitamente vizinho dos pássaros, não por ter aprisionado algum, mas por me ter engaiolado perto deles." Thoreau, Henry David. Walden, 1854

quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011


Hello humans! I know that I have been really absent from the blogosphere for a long now and I apologize to all of my loyal followers and good old blogger friends for not being as present as I used to. The truth is that my life is kind of a mess right now and I just don't have the time nor the energy to blog. My newborn nephew has been in the hospital for almost 2 months fighting for his life, and it has been a hard time on my family. Waiting for good news each day and seeing my sister's agony is killing me. It's impressive how strong premature babies can be... and it's also ironic how tiny beings like them can teach us all lessons of courage and strength. Despite of all the odds, my baby nephew survived 3 surgeries in the last month, 2 of them, including a heart surgery, in one week. I hope with all my heart that he get's well soon and I would really appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts :)

Meanwhile, I have some good news (thank GOD!) to share with you guys:

Once again I had the honor of having my work selected to be featured in a TASCHEN book. Illustration Now! Portraits is TASCHEN'S most recent book on Illustration and it gathers together the exclusive portrait work of over 80 illustrators from all over the world, and I feel very lucky to be among them. Huge thanks to Taschen's Editor-In-Chief - Julius Wiedemann, for the invitation to take part in this project and for believing in my work.
The awesomeeee part is that one of the images that they selected to be featured in the book is my self-portrait :D that means that my face is ALL OVER THE WORLD now! hahaah :P
Another great thing is that I get to be in this book along with my old blogger friend Dominic Philibert, who was also selected as a featured artist in this book... YAY! :D
Love you guys, hope to be back to blogging soon!

Olá humanos! Estou finalmente de volta à blogosfera e tenho uma boa notícia para partilhar convosco: Para minha grande honra, o meu trabalho foi novamente seleccionado para ser exibido num livro da TASCHEN. O Livro Illustration Now! Portraits é a mais recente publicação da Taschen na área da ilustração e reúne obras de 80 ilustradores de todo o mundo, exclusivamente focalizadas na arte de retrato. Sinto-me bastante honrado de me encontrar entre os artistas seleccionados. Um MUITO OBRIGADO ao Editor-In-Chief da Taschen, Julius Wiedemann, pelo convite para participar este projecto e por ter acreditado no meu trabalho.